Sunday, August 11, 2024
August 11th (8-11 day) serves as a convenient reminder for Pennsylvania residents to always contact 811 before digging to alert the underground facility owners to mark their underground utility lines.
Take advantage of the national 811 materials to promote safety and best practices within your community or businesses.
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Promotional Items Available
It's easy to get involved.
- Download the public outreach campaign document to use with your social media posts, website, articles, press releases, radio broadcasts or podcasts
- Post creatives on your social media channel, website or write articles and include the images with your press releases or newsletters
- Download the "Talking Points" document for your safety meetings
- Download the images to promote safe digging with a right click and selecting "save image as" onto your computer
- Publish the 2024 811 Day PRESS RELEASE on your website, newsletter, or social media channel increase awareness
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July 2024. Pennsylvania 811 interview about the Basics of PA 811 with Bill Kiger, Ellen Kiger and Sherry Harim interviewed by Kevin Goldblum.
August 2024. Pennsylvania 811 has partnered with some of our local sports teams in Pennsylvania to promote safe digging practices.
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Starting on August 8th and through the end of the month, announcements and ads will be displayed during the Washington Wild Things games in Washington county. We will have broadcast announcements and ad in their booklet on game day. For two weeks in August an 811 image will be displayed on the Digital Highway Marquee.
The State College Spikes will promote safe digging practices at their August 8th game and continue to showcase 8/11 Day with social media, :30 video board features during the week, streaming spots at all August home and away games and showcasing our logo on the home plate LED board.

On August 10th, Pennsylvania 811 will be at the Pittsburgh Riverhounds game in Pittsburgh, where we will participant in the game ball delivery, halftime interviews, :30 second commercial during pre-game and halftime and there will be a PA read about 811 at 8:11 pm. Our logo with tagline will play on the LED Rotational Board during the remaining 2024 games, social media promotions on all platforms leading up to the game, :30 TV commercial on August 10th and 17th, our logo on the Riverhounds website and their app.
On August 11th, the Williamsport Crosscutters will start a media blitz with advertising through their local media, website and social media. During the pre-game and game, audio commercials on the Cutters streaming broadcast as well as a safety message during the play-by-play announcement and we'll have a full-color logo on the video board.

York Revolution
The York Revolution will play a :30 second video on the main video board between innings and animated graphics between innings featured on the left and right side of the video board as well as both field level HD display boards and both mezzanine fascia boards. We'll have an interview on-air on WOYK 98.9 on August 11 and 4 :30 second in-game radio commercials.
Pennsylvania 811 will sponsor the August 11th game for the Lehigh Valley IronPigs. Recognition include radio, tv, print, signage and digital media in the weeks leading up to the game. In-game videoboard and PA recognition during the game and opportunity to play a :30 second commercial pregame. On-air radio and television interviews.
Pennsylvania 811 worked with Steel City Media., a digital-marketing company, to promote safety messages and to offer an interactive photo contest on our social media channels. Promotion content: Sunday, August 11th (8/11) is 811 Day – Meant to increase awareness of the importance of safe digging practices before starting a project that requires excavation. Striking buried utilities can result in catastrophe, but there’s a simple solution. Remember to always call 811 before you dig!
During August anyone could enter an 811 Day photo contest by submitting a photo of a completed project where PA 811 helped to ensure excavation was safely executed! One lucky winner received a pair of tickets to the Bucco baseball game on August 22nd, a pair of tickets to the Pittsburgh Riverhounds game on September 7th & a $100 Hofbräuhaus Gift Card!