Elements of a Pennsylvania Damage Prevention Program
The Board of Directors of Pennsylvania 811 formed the Underground Damage Prevention Programs Task Force to develop a guide to access Underground Facility Owners in the implementation of a Damage Prevention Program. The purpose of this document is to describe the elements of an Underground Damage Prevention plan at their company. The audience of this document is a regulated utility company that may not have a documented Damage Prevention plan, or a regulated utility company plan that may need augmentation or enhancement to their existing damage prevention plan. This Damage Prevention plan; represents ideas, process and practices developed and implemented by regulated utility companies within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
This is a suggested guide, and provided as a courtesy by Pennsylvania 811. Should you choose to make use of it, in whole or in part, we specifically recommend that you obtain advice from your own counsel, who is the best source of information as it pertains to your company or other entity, and is the primary source of information for any actions you choose or do not choose to undertake. Pennsylvania 811 makes no representations concerning the text of this document, nor to your use of it, and specifically disclaims any responsibility for any errors or omissions, including, but not limited to, those arising out of its use.
Feel free to download and review the guide below. If you are interested in customizing the plan for your company, please email ComplianceCoordinator@pa1call.org to request a Microsoft Word version of this document.