When applicable, the answers to the questions will reference the section of PA Act 287 of 1974, as amended, 73 P.S. § 176 et. seq. and/or the Complex Project Policy (Policy) located on the PA One Call website.
When applicable, the answers to the questions will reference the section of PA Act 287 of 1974, as amended, 73 P.S. § 176 et. seq. and/or the Complex Project Policy (Policy) located on the PA One Call website.
What do I need to do before I dig?
Answer: Place a call to 8-1-1 at least 3 business days, but not more than 10 business days, prior to starting excavation.
Section 5 Clauses 2.1 and 2.2 of PA Act 287 of 1974 as amended states:
"It shall be the duty of each excavator who intends to perform excavation or demolition work within this Commonwealth:
(2.1) To request the location and type of facility owner lines at each work site by notifying the facility owner through the One Call System. Notification shall be not less than three nor more than ten business days in advance of beginning excavation or demolition work. No work shall begin earlier than the scheduled excavation date which shall be on or after the third business day after notification. The scheduled excavation date shall exclude the date upon which notification was received by the One Call System and notification received on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, which shall be processed on the following business day. In the case of a complex project, notification shall not be less than ten business days in advance of the beginning of excavation or demolition work.
(2.2) To provide the One Call System with specific information to identify the work site so that facility owners might provide indications of their lines."
Answer: 24 x 7 every day of the year.
Answer: The responsible person doing the excavation.
PA Act 287 of 1974 as amended defines an Excavator as:
"...any person who or which performs excavation or demolition work for himself or for another person."
Section 5 Clauses 2.1 of PA Act 287 of 1974 as amended states:
"It shall be the duty of each excavator who intends to perform excavation or demolition work within this Commonwealth:
(2.1) To request the location and type of facility owner lines at each work site by notifying the facility owner through the One Call System."
I’m a subcontractor, can I piggyback on my main Excavator’s one call?
Answer: No. Each responsible Excavator must make their own notification.(2.1) To request the location and type of facility owner lines at each work site by notifying the facility owner through the One Call System. Notification shall be not less than three nor more than ten business days in advance of beginning excavation or demolition work. No work shall begin earlier than the scheduled excavation date which shall be on or after the third business day after notification. The scheduled excavation date shall exclude the date upon which notification was received by the One Call System and notification received on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, which shall be processed on the following business day. In the case of a complex project, notification shall not be less than ten business days in advance of the beginning of excavation or demolition work.
(2.2) To provide the One Call System with specific information to identify the work site so that facility owners might provide indications of their lines."
Who is responsible for finding the precise location of the underground line?
Answer: The Excavator, using prudent techniques.
Section 5 Clause 4 of PA Act 287 of 1974 as amended states:
"To exercise due care; and to take all reasonable steps necessary to avoid injury to or otherwise interfere with all lines where positions have been provided to the excavator by the facility owners pursuant to clause (5) of section 2. Within the tolerance zone the excavator shall employ prudent techniques, which may include hand-dug test holes, vacuum excavation or similar devices to ascertain the precise position of such facilities. If insufficient information to safely excavate is available pursuant to clause (5) of section 2, the excavator shall employ like prudent techniques which shall be paid for by the project owner pursuant to clause (15) of this section."
Who is responsible for finding the precise location of the underground line?
Answer: The Excavator, using prudent techniques.
Section 5 Clause 4 of PA Act 287 of 1974 as amended states:
"To exercise due care; and to take all reasonable steps necessary to avoid injury to or otherwise interfere with all lines where positions have been provided to the excavator by the facility owners pursuant to clause (5) of section 2. Within the tolerance zone the excavator shall employ prudent techniques, which may include hand-dug test holes, vacuum excavation or similar devices to ascertain the precise position of such facilities. If insufficient information to safely excavate is available pursuant to clause (5) of section 2, the excavator shall employ like prudent techniques which shall be paid for by the project owner pursuant to clause (15) of this section."
Upon initial arrival at the Work site, what should I do if there are no visible mark-outs?
Answer: Do not begin excavating. Check the KARL responses through the one call center.
Section 5 Clause 20 of PA Act 287 of 1974 as amended states:
"To renotify the One Call System of an unmarked or incorrectly marked facility, if an original, proper, nonemergency locate request has been made to the One Call System and, upon initial arrival at the proposed work site, it is apparent to the excavator that there is an unmarked or incorrectly marked facility. An excavator may not begin excavating in the affected area of the work site until after receiving sufficient information from the facility owner to safely excavate. If the facility owner fails to provide sufficient information to the excavator within three hours after the excavator has notified the One Call System of the unmarked or incorrectly marked facility, the excavator may proceed with excavation subject to the limitations under clause (5)."
What should I do if I disagree with the responses in KARL, due to visible evidence in the field?
Answer: Renotify the One Call System. After the renotify, wait up to three hours for the response from the Facility owner(s) before digging prudently.
Section 5 Clause 20 of PA Act 287 of 1974 as amended states:
"To renotify the One Call System of an unmarked or incorrectly marked facility, if an original, proper, nonemergency locate request has been made to the One Call System and, upon initial arrival at the proposed work site, it is apparent to the excavator that there is an unmarked or incorrectly marked facility. An excavator may not begin excavating in the affected area of the work site until after receiving sufficient information from the facility owner to safely excavate. If the facility owner fails to provide sufficient information to the excavator within three hours after the excavator has notified the One Call System of the unmarked or incorrectly marked facility, the excavator may proceed with excavation subject to the limitations under clause (5)."
What is required within the Tolerance zone?
Answer: Exercise due care and use prudent techniques.
Section 5 Clause 4 of PA Act 287 of 1974 as amended states:
"...Within the tolerance zone the excavator shall employ prudent techniques, which may include hand-dug test holes, vacuum excavation or similar devices to ascertain the precise position of such facilities."
"...the scheduled start date as provided under section 1.1., which states the lawful start date shall be three business days through ten business days following notification to the One Call System."
What should I do when I hit or damage a Line or facility?
Section 5 Clause 7, 8 and 16 of Act 287 of 1974 as amended state:
"(7) To report immediately to the facility owner any break or leak on its lines, or any dent, gouge, groove or other damage to such lines or to their coating or cathodic protection, made or discovered in the course of the excavation or demolition work. The One Call System board of directors may adopt procedures to permit reporting under this clause through the One Call System.
(8) To immediately notify 911 and the facility owner, if the damage results in the escape of any flammable, toxic, or corrosive gas or liquid which endangers life, health or property. The excavator shall take reasonable measures, based on its knowledge, training, resources, experience and understanding of the situation to protect themselves and those in immediate danger, the general public, property and the environment until the facility owner or emergency responders have arrived and completed their assessment and shall remain on site to convey any pertinent information to responders that may help them to safely mitigate the situation.
(16) To submit a report of an alleged violation to the commission through the One Call System not more than ten business days after striking or damaging a facility owner's line during excavation or demolition or if the excavator believes a violation of this act has been committed in association with excavation or demolition work. The report of an alleged violation shall be in a form and manner as required by the commission."
What is the difference between a single excavation notification and a Complex project?
Answer: The maximum area of a single notification is 1,000 feet or intersection to intersection, whichever is greater, along the same street, within the same political subdivision. Anything greater than this is considered a Complex project.
Sections 3 Clause 4 of Act 287 of 1974 as amended state:What determines if my Excavation work is a Complex project?
PA Act 287 of 1974 as amended defines a Complex project as:
"...an excavation that involves more work than properly can be described in a single locate request or any project designated as such by the excavator or facility owner as a consequence of its complexity or its potential to cause significant disruption to lines or facilities and the public, including excavations that require scheduling locates over an extended time frame."
A Facility owner feels my Excavation work is complex and requests a meeting through the KARL System; what happens next?
Answer: The Facility owner will contact you directly to schedule a meeting.
My Excavation work falls under the definition of complex; what do I need to do?
Where should the Preconstruction meeting be held?
Answer: In close proximity to the project work location or electronically.
What should occur at the Preconstruction meeting?
Answer: Attendance should be recorded on the POCS approved Complex Project Meeting Sign In Sheet template and notes taken, including the scope of locate request(s) and the agreed upon mark-out schedule.
(Sign in sheet and meeting notes template are available on the POCS website)
What should happen after the meeting?
Answer: The meeting notes/agreement and sign in sheet should be uploaded to the CPA portal. Locate request(s), as modified, should be created via the CPA portal based on the agreement reached at the meeting.
Answer: No, if the Excavator chose not to hold a meeting, a Facility owner can request a one on one meeting with the Excavator.
PA Act 287 of 1974 as amended Section 5 Clause 3 states: